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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wasted Time

     There seems to be a veritable cornucopia of time available to be wasted in the pursuit of our vanity by gaining a folllowing (See friend totals on Facebook).
     I myself cannot even claim immunity to such addictive pastimes as I find myself swept up in the tweets of celebrities, as it is much more interesting stalking them as THEY perform menial tasks.
     Then there is the verification check supplied by Twitter to assure me the person I'm so mindlessly following IS in fact the celebrity I seek. Thank God! I would hate to think all that admiration and energy was wasted on a commoner such as myself.
      There are now so many verification checks next to names I'm just sure I'm missing out on most of the worlds best and brightest as I think to myself, "Who the HELL is Patton Oswalt?"
Oh well
Caio for now

Sunday, November 14, 2010

the abject failure of creative writing

Here it is...

Be forewarned! If you haven't finished your Homework/work/chores...you shouldn't be wasting your time reading this!
This is merely a blog about blogs and the over saturation of blogging in addition to other useless info available to us impressionable consumers in  the electronic age.
I will mindlessly rant about the abundance of useless social networking sites and then hypocritacally use them to promote this blog.
You're welcome.
Twitter = Minute by minute stalking
Myspace = That was so 2003 stalking
Facebook = Stalking with pictures:)